Inspiring Quotes from St. Ignatius of Loyola


Today begins a month of reflecting on some of the contributions of the great Spanish mystic and founder of the Spiritual Exercises, Ignacio de Loyola, St. Ignatius, the Ignatian Exercises . . . all stem from a moment, then process of conversion . . . a journey we are each invited to take. During the next 31 days, I will attempt to log at least one inspirational quote from Ignatius. It is my hope that you will also feel the invitation to explore your spiritual development.

Just as our physical body needs nourishment and exercise, we also need to care for the spiritual aspect of our lives. Whether through prayer, discernment, meditation, creative expression, we need to find (a) way(s) to grow and develop in areas that will enhance our relationship to our Creator. Through quieting our minds of distractions, our hearts from anxiety, and our souls from despair, we can then let the Holy Spirit do its work in us and through us. Working in us, we are strengthened, and fortified for whatever expression of our gifts and talents we have been gifted. Working through us, we are able to share these gifts and talents with others.

If we do not do this, the world will never receive this precious gift only we are designed to give. My smile differs from your smile; my efforts at serving others differ from your efforts. We each need to find that one way in which we are ‘specialized’ and how the world can benefit from our gift(s). Perhaps by sharing some of the thoughts of this very human saint, we can help direct our lives more intentionally towards holiness and joy.


Inspiring Ignatian Quote #2


Ahhhh…Lavender time!