Inspiring Ignatian Quote #12

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Prayer is simply communication. While a simple definition, it can be difficult when the object of your prayer is a mystery. You know how tricky communication can be when you are face-to-face with one another. You can read facial and bodily cues, you can hear inflections in the other’s voice to help determine the direction of the conversation. But with Mystery, there is a certain unknowing. That is precisely why we must continually go to God in prayer to learn how this Mystery chooses to communicate with us.

I love the title of “Abba”, for God . . . an endearing Aramaic term likened to the English word, “Daddy”. It was used between Jesus and His heavenly Father, as a personal title of affection. As we learn more about how Jesus responded to His father’s will, and how His followers did, and before Him, Mary, His mother, we can learn how important it is to eventually learn surrender. But that has become almost unthinkable . . . why would we want to give up control over our lives?

If we believe that we were created by an incredibly Loving Creator, and that this Creator wants only what is truly best for us as we were created, then wouldn’t it make sense that we would seek counsel before making any decisions or changes in our lives? Our thoughts are so very different than Gods, and often what we think might be best for us, is actually the opposite. The Prophet Isaiah tells us (55:8), “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD.” And, the Prophet Jeremiah follows up with this gem: “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart.” (29:11-13)

This is one of my favorite verses from the Old Testament Prophets, but it requires some unpacking. Verse 11, God tells us that He knows the plans He has for us! As our Creator, we were created for a specific purpose that God deemed necessary for this world. As daunting as that may seem, it is also a priceless gift. If we do not fulfill our purpose while in this earthly realm, it will not be accomplished. Never. We may do something that many others do, also, but only we can do it with our own unique signature that no one else can match. And, it was imprinted on us at the time of creation, to be our gift to the world . . . a gift the world needs. That makes each one of us special!

God reassures us that HIs plans are for our welfare . . . NOT for harm,

God reassures us that His plans are to give us a future with hope.

But, here’s the condition (Verse 12): T-H-E-N . . . W-H-E-N . . . He trusts that we WILL call upon Him . . . that we WILL come and pray to Him . . . that we WILL search for Him and that we WILL seek Him.

(Verse 13) W-H-E-N we do all this with ALL OUR HEART . . . T-H-E-N . . . He WILL hear us, We WILL find Him. This is God’s promise to us. This tells me that he is all-knowing, and why would I not want to consult with Him before any new undertaking? Sometimes this may feel backwards, or the opposite of what we ‘think’ we should do, but St. Paul teaches us: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God — what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2) Renewal and discernment are both spiritual exercises.

Trust is the key component of this exercise. Trusting that your prayers are leading you closer to God, and to doing God’s will in your life. Trusting that God has promised that His plans are for your good. Trusting that by consulting Him will we truly know His will for us, rather than following our own will. Only with hindsight can we learn this truth! But, we must first pray, then listen, then trust, then act. Notice I didn’t say think about it? That’s when we often get into trouble! We need to ‘get out of our heads, and into our hearts’!

Call upon Him; come and pray to Him; search Him; seek Him . . . He is waiting to hear from you! shhhh . . . Be still and you will know it is His voice, a whisper in your heart. You will find Him . . . He promises you that.

Ignatius knew and experienced this and his life was transformed. He was forced into convalescence by a military accident and his life was altered forever. His conversion 500 years ago happened through what many would call an ‘unfortunate incident’, but God’s grace was much greater and He opened Ignatius’ heart to seek him, resulting in a very fortunate series of events.

His plans were to go to Jerusalem and walk in the footsteps of Jesus and the Apostles. While it was an admirable goal, trying to reach Barcelona proved almost impossible. He left the family, castle, trappings and wealth of nobility and on the back of a donkey, with only his scratchy garment of a pilgrim, a walking staff, a gourd for water and his journal, he embarked upon his pilgrimage. Along the way, he had apparitions from Mary, who taught him many things leading him to a deeper conversion. Unbeknownst to him, this would be the conditions where he would formulate the Spiritual Exercises and Discernment Techniques that have transformed lives for five centuries! This was the fruit of his poverty and eventual humility . . . the total opposite of his desire to become the most honored saint of all. He wanted to suffer more than the martyrs, but for vainglory sake, not for the Glory of God, or to follow God’s will.

If it is important to you, it is important to God. Consult him before you act, hear what He instructs you to do. You may finally learn why you are here and what is yours to accomplish. It may require waiting; it may require action, but unless you go to your Creator first, you many never find out why you were created.


Inspiring Ignatius Quote #13


Inspiring Ignatian Quote #11