Spiritual Life & Work Life Balance
Finding a Work-life and Spiritual-life balance is essential to having a deeper relationship with God.
Wednesday of Holy Week ~ 4/5/2023
“Ora et labora” a monastic phrase, meaning “pray and work”, associated with the Benedictine order, but used in many monasteries and retreat centers, as well as by lay persons who want to adopt the “Rule of St. Benedict” as a rhythm and balance for their daily lives.
In St. Clare’s “The Form of Life of St. Clare, (VII: The Manner of Working), 119”, she advises her sisters “to whom the Lord has given the grace of working work faithfully and devotedly . . . at work that pertains to a virtuous life and the common good.” It was her hope that this would “banish idleness, the enemy of the soul”.
Every time the topic of work- and the spiritual-life balance comes up, I think of St. Luke’s Gospel about the two sisters, Jesus’ dear friends, Mary and Martha of Bethany. There was a popular book a few years ago, “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World” by Joanna Weaver, then a second by her, “Having a Mary Spirit: Allowing God To Change Us From The Inside Out”. Her first book was based on Luke’s writings:
“Now as they went on their way, he entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to him and asked, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10: 38-42)
I am convicted every time I read that passage! Try as I might, I’m a Martha. I do try to be more of a “Mary”, but like Martha, I get ‘worried and distracted by my many tasks’. Running a ministry, a sanctuary, is full of tasks, many, many tasks, that need to be tended to daily, in order to provide this sacred space of prayer for not only others, but myself as well. As I have been reflecting on approaching my third year of being open (May 1st), I realize just how little I have made use of this sacred prayer space for myself. I do make sure I start my mornings with prayer, at home, but here there is music and candles and incense and such a sacred ambiance. And, while that is not necessary, it does enhance my prayer experience (probably a Martha-thing). So, I make myself busy to create a sacred space of prayer for myself and others? Is that so bad? Of course not, but it needs to be balanced and not made so busy that I lose track of simply sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening . . . especially to how He wants to use me for His Kingdom.
And, this is not to say that there are tasks that should be left unattended. There is much work involved in keeping up a safe and healthy home and/or work environment. But, like in everything, balance is key. We can pray as we work. We can pray for those we are working for and with. We can pray that the work we are doing is doing good in our community/world. We can pray that our contributions are just and ethical and perhaps, meaningful. Some jobs allow for much more mental time to pray, while others require our minds to be focused elsewhere, but in that case, we must become creative and find pockets of prayer time before and/or after “work”. Commute time is a great time to use for prayer - for the work day to come and the one that has passed, before we return to our homes/family. We must be mindful to be grateful for the work that we are able to do and for the ways we can provide for our needs through the use of our time and talents, with which God has so richly blessed us.
So, this last day before the Triduum begins tomorrow with Holy Thursday Mass, let us remember to keep Christ as our top priority in life and let the work serve Him our Master, not let our work become our Master. Let us become more like Mary and allow ourselves the time to just sit at the feet of Jesus and listen. Just be still with Jesus. Know that God is with us.
What are some ways that you can make your work time and prayer time more balanced?
May you be blessed as we journey into the holiest of days – Holy Thursday . . . Good Friday . . . Resurrection Sunday.