Inspiring Ignatian Quote #6

2021.07.03.Ignatian Quote#6.2.jpg

As I was reading my Morning Offering, I came across a bit of a follow up to yesterday’s blog:

All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi

In the Prayer and Song of St. Francis, there is a line, “. . . it is in giving that we receive . . .”

All three of these sentiments are inter-connected.

The image I chose for today, depicts that selfless love and compassion we are all/each called to show towards one another. We truly are asked to give to others without considering the cost to us. Jesus actually touched lepers to heal them, sat with sinners and showed them compassion, even when it caused him ridicule and scorn. We need not give a thing of monetary value, but our time and attention are an even more precious commodity with which we can light up the world.

It seems to me that the recipient of the shoes is holding his/her head in their hands, as if crying, possibly out of gratitude; they are definitely touched by the kindness of the giver. I’ve been in this situation, where I have offered a gift to someone who was very touched by my kindness. I’m not quite sure whose heart was more full, mine or theirs? Full to the point of tears overflowing. In sharing the light of love, that light is passed between giver and recipient. It then is shared with others they each come into contact with. I can almost imagine this young person running with their new shoes with such joy that it is contagious to others.

I encourage you to consider how generous is your heart, actually, when it comes to being hard to give ‘that’ much. . . . whatever measure ‘that much’ would be for you.

If it is of monetary value, there is likely room for assessing our ‘needs’ and ‘wants’. If we have our needs met, but others don’t, could we consider sharing some of our abundance? If it is time or attention, could we offer someone who is lonely, grieving or in despair a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, a reason for hope? Perhaps we could look at just how we spend our time, and who might benefit by being lifted up?

Let’s try to ‘give and not count the cost’ and see how that feels. You will receive, likely in accordance with what you give, but you won’t really know that until this journey is over. And, you can’t take anything with you once this life is over. Our Loving Creator is so incredibly generous with us, I know there is no lack. I know I can’t ‘outdo’ God, but I can outdo my doubts about what I have to give to others - love, compassion, kindness, smiles - all unlimited treasures at our disposal to share with anyone we meet! When you look through these eyes, you will discover needs you can meet and become a bright and shining light in this world with many dark corners that need illuminating!

A memory just came to mind. My mother and I were walking down a sidewalk in Rome and a nun was walking towards us with a scowl and she looked either mad or mean. Mom was behind me, I smiled at the nun and her face lit up with the most beautiful smile. Mom asked me what I said to her. “Nothing, I just smiled.” It really is that simple. :)


Inspiring Ignatian Quote #7


Inspiring Ignatian Quote #5