Inspiring Ignatian Quote #28

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Here is another beautiful quote that could easily be a lovely daily reminder to keep God close at heart. One of the hallmarks of Ignatian prayer is that Ignatius encourages us to use our imaginations as we pray. When we use scriptures, he invites us into the passage to become one of the participants, even if it is one of the animals. He encourages us to smell the smells, feel the air, the marketplace, hear the noises, try to understand the climate, the area where the story is taking place.

Using the story of the Nativity, you could choose to be Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus, an angel, a shepherd, one of the animals witnessing the event, or, one of the three kings journeying to Nazareth. Use your imagination, taking the time to enter the story through the perspective of what/whom you have chosen. The climate would be very different there with Jesus as a newborn infant, than if you were immersing yourself into the story of the Sermon on the Mount, or near the Sea of Galilee when Jesus is ministering to crowds as an adult with his disciples. This might require you to do some research on the history and dates purported in the sacred stories, or you can let your imagination do the work, let Jesus guide you to a reality he wants to make known to you.

Ignatius was imprisoned while he was put through the Inquisition for his methods, but they found them and him to be reputable and sound. When I found this image, it seemed to embody the quote . . . but that’s just my imagination. I love imagining that both God and heaven are abiding in my heart.


Inspiring Ignatian Quote #29


Inspiring Ignatian Quote #27