Autumn is coming!
“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking successive autumns.”
George Elliot
I don’t know about you, but my favorite season is Autumn! I’m not sure why, but perhaps it has something to do with growing up in Oklahoma and it’s brutally hot summers? The cool of fall was so refreshingly welcome! I just wanted to share some of our upcoming offerings at Urban Sanctuary. Perhaps the thought of sweaters and sweatshirts, comfy clothes and blankets to wrap ourselves in? aaaaah . . . .
We are finally getting into the groove of things after surviving our first few months here, and are preparing for the seasonal reset I feel we are all ready for! Please consider joining us for a class. We schedule a 3-hour block of time to ensure you have plenty of time to work on and/or complete your project, but usually it will not take you that long.
We have very limited space here and a multitude of offerings, so we block off ‘studio time’ at the sanctuary, where you can engage in meditative art forms of many genre:
-> fiber art - from learning basic embroidery stitches to learning how to embellish a crazy quilt, needle felting (dimensional or flat pictorial), needle punching (mini-rug hooking)
-> pen/pencil art (from journaling to calligraphy or even Zentangle)
-> painting (use watercolors, chalks and/or acrylics to explore your creative spirit), whether on a canvas, paper or even the popular dot painting mandalas on all sorts of surfaces, yes, even rocks!
-> clay (a wonderful medium for meditative creativity)
I heard that “Meditative Makers” is a ‘thing’ . . . I’m glad ‘they’ have finally given a name to something I’ve done for over 6 decades!
So, come join the Wisdom Circle of Meditative Makers! We are not seeking perfection in our work, though it is already perfect - we do ask that you to remove expectations and let your creative spirit speak, play and express itself through your hands and heart!
Since space is limited, we offer several workshops a month, where and when you can sample a new art form, but you are also welcome to develop a skill through subsequent sessions or request supplies for something that interests you. If you register for a class, there is instruction in the skill advertised, but you are also welcome to use the time and space here for your own spiritual creativity work . . . just let me know what you’d like to explore.
Yoga will be on Wednesday’s this fall, from 6:30-7:30. Laurie is amazing at helping you, no matter your experience level, from ‘never-to-forever’ with adaptations for physical challenges. It is a phenomenal way to end your day with this gentle-flow class.
We are also providing a Day of Retreat at the Sanctuary, to usher in Autumn, and offer a sampling of some of what we do here. Through stillness and silence, creative expression and gentle movement, we will nourish and exercise our minds, bodies, spirits and souls. Please wander through the events, and consider joining us.
Waning of Summer Blessings . . . Nickie